Saturday 14 January 2012

How to Create a Fairy Wedding Theme

Themed weddings are becoming more and more popular, and who hasn't ever dreamed of dressing up as a fairy princess?! Here are some ideas to create a truly magical wonderland on your alternative wedding day...

An enchanted forest, bridesmaids in fairy wings, sparkling lights hanging from trees and guests in fancy dress... your wedding day could be the ideal place to express your creative interest in the world of magic and fairies. Even if a full blown Midsummer Night's Dream style event is not your style, there are subtle and fun ways to bring a touch of magic to your big day...

Wands No fairy is complete without her magic wand, and neither will you be. Florists can make you a special bouquet wand, and smaller versions for your little flower-girls and bridesmaids. Why not create wedding wands as part of your wedding favours?

Wings How else would they fly? Fairy wings come in all sizes... but the smaller members of the wedding will appreciate this most. Let them get carried away and believe they are at a real fairy wedding.

Fancy dress It is your day, and if you want everyone to dress up, so they should! You can state 'Fairies and Elves only' on the invitation, and then bet  with your husband to see how many Legolas' turn up! Seeing everyone dressed up and in the spirit will make the day an absolute gem.

Fairy hen night There are companies that provide hen nights and weekends away where you dress as fairies, eat as fairies and do fairy crafts and hobbies all weekend. Of course, you get to drink like fairies too at the village pub.

Decoration Fairy lights, candles, glitter, crystals and plenty of flowers. The perfect fairy wedding would be in an atmospheric wood, but failing that any venue can be infused with some of that Wicca feeling.

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