Saturday 14 January 2012

How to Make Sure your Guests RSVP

Knowing how many guests will be present at your wedding is of utmost importance. You need to know if the people you invited can attend or not, and that's why you include an RSVP request with the wedding invite.

When you make the guest list you spend hours deciding over who is to be invited and who not, so it's really infuriating when people don't make their intentions clear! Even though you put RSVP (standing for, répondez s'il vous plaít, which means please reply or respond) there are always those that still ignore this request. Let's have a look at some ways to nudge them in the right direction!

Make it easy This can be in the form of a ready addressed, stamped card or letter with simple tick boxes inside (will/will not be attending), a telephone number (text/phone with reply), an email address (your own or one specially created for guest's replies), or if you are really internet savvy you can create a Facebook page, a blog or even create a special wedding website so guests can RSVP online.

Make it fun Make your RSVP information (telephone, email etc.) into a fridge magnate so they can stick it up and see it, rather than a small business card that gets lost and misplaced easily. Create a prize draw for all RSVPs before a certain date. Tell them they must RSVP for a ticket to the wedding or hold back important information like the time or place of the event, they then get that information upon receipt of RSVP.

Keep track A pile of cards, an inbox full of emails or a phone full of texts are all very well, but how do you keep track? You could create a special ring-binder, create a an excel file or use's Guests List Planner tool. It's free, easy and lets you keep visual track of who you invited and whether they have replied, as well as other features like what menu they will have, whether they are family or friends, where they will be seated and a whole host more.

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